Have you heard your dad saying " Congratulations, I'm proud of you!" or your mom saying "keep it up, i'll support you!" If not, you have an unsupportive parents. You know I don't wanna be one sided in this article so also included the ideas of the other parents.
For the child's side, unsuppotive parents affects their:
1. Self confidence - they are times that they think twice before doing something. They remember these words
"My dad does believe that i can do it, so why will i try to?" ( in my case they are always
discouraging me and they'll tell me im crazy)
2. Goals - their goals in life are greatly affected, Instead of excelling on the particular profession they want,
they are afraid no one will be proud of them. (you know my parents laugh at me when i tell them
my plans, how very unsupportive!)
3. Mind set - They'll think, "If my parents are not proud of me, then no one of these guys will be proud of me
too. (You are dumb and useless! that' their favorite line for me!).
Parent's side:
1. We don't need to do that because we are supporting them financially!
Supporting your child financially is not enough, you parents are the molder of your child's dreams and attitudes. Sometimes showing them that you support them emotionally is more than enough to help them know that you care. Don't let them feel alone.
(well i hope my parents read this article so they'll know how much emotional support they owe from me..)